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Valid for Sitecore 6.x
Installation Guide

This page describes how to install the module.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Campaign Integration consists of the Dynamics CRM Security Provider and the Dynamics CRM Save Actions modules. These modules are distributed as separate Sitecore packages. This section contains instructions on how to install both modules and how to set up the CRM integration. For more information about configuring the CRM Security Provider module, see the Documentation section.

Installing CRM Security Provider

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Security Provider module is distributed as a usual Sitecore package. You can install it using the Installation Wizard available via the Sitecore desktop link Sitecore>> Development Tools>>Installation Wizard.

Package Content

The package contains the following elements:

Installation Prerequisites

To be able to install the CRM Provider module, you need the following:

Installing CRM Dynamics Save Actions

The CRM Dynamics Save Actions are distributed as a usual Sitecore package. You can install it using the Installation Wizard available via the Sitecore desktop link Sitecore>> Development Tools>>Installation Wizard.

Installation Prerequisites

Setting up the CRM Integration

The Dynamics CRM Save Actions use the CRM Web Services to communicate with Dynamics CRM.
To set up the Web Forms module to communicate with the CRM Web services, you must add the connection information to the ConnectionsStrings.config file in the Website/App_Config folder. Add the following line to the configuration file:

<add name="CRMConnString" connectionString="CRM:url=http://CRMSERVER_ADDRESS/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx;user id=USER_NAME;password=PASSWORD; organization=<ORGANIZATION_NAME>" />

Replace the following phrases with those that are relevant to your Dynamics CRM installation:

To configure the module to work with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online two more attributes should be added to the connection string:

You can also use some additional parameters if your configuration requires it.

The authentication type can have one of the following values:


Value Description
0 AD The Active Directory authentication.
1 Passport The Windows Live ID authentication
2 SPLA The Internet-Facing Deployment authentication (formerly known as SPLA).

The default value is 0.

use ticket


Value Description
True/False Whether a ticket is required for authentication. The default value is false

Instructions for SQLite

If you use a SQLite installation, changes must be made in the /App_Config/ConnectionStringsSQLite.config file. Add the following line to the file:

<add name="CRMConnString" connectionString="CRM:url=http://<crm_host>[:<crm_host_port>]/mscrmservices/2006/crmservice.asmx;user id=user;password=password; organization=<organization_name>" />